We stand alongside global activists.
The current political-economic system, with its insatiable demand for natural resources, is driving land grabbing and environmental exploitation.
This plundering of resources is often accompanied by attacks on local people and communities who are defending their territories and rights.
We campaign to support national groups in preventing human rights and environmental violations, and in fighting the interests of transnational corporations and complicit states.
Through our solidarity work, we aim to expose and counter the systemic role of European companies, investors, and policies in human rights violations.
As civil society’s space continues to shrink and environmental and human rights defenders face increasing criminalisation, we believe that international solidarity and alliances are our most important strength.
We stand in solidarity with people facing injustice everywhere. We cooperate across borders to create more sustainable, caring, democratic and equal societies.
Latest news
The people behind the Just Transition to a different kind of palm oil production
The ceasefire is not the end — it is the beginning
Call for the immediate release of Ugandan human right lawyer Eron Kiiza