360+ orgs & trade unions urge EU Parliament & Council to block Omnibus
Disastrous Omnibus proposal erodes EU’s corporate accountability commitments and slashes human rights and environmental protections The publication by …

Shareholders over solutions: How big industry favours payouts over the energy transition
In the framework of the Clean Industrial Deal, energy-intensive companies are set to receive billion-Euro-subsidies to maintain their competitiveness …
Joint Statement on raw materials in EU-Indonesia CEPA
EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Indonesia and the European Union have been negotiating the EU-Indonesia Comprehensive …

Factsheets: impacts of pesticides & citizens’ demands for pesticide reduction
The European food production relies heavily on the use of dangerous chemicals. Everyday, we are exposed to a cocktail of pesticide residues. Not only …
Legal Letter: Concerns Omnibus consultation process
Together with dozens of other NGOs Friends of the Earth Europe signed a letter to express our profound concern regarding the ‘Omnibus Simplification P …

Joint letter: Ensure EUDR benchmarking reflects human rights and environmental risks
The EU Deforestation Law is only as good as its implementation. That’s why we have signed an open letter alongside 39 other organisations calling on t …