‘Solidarity’ is more than a buzzword. Solidarity is a powerful action, when those of us with more means support those in need. Solidarity means standing on the frontline, with deeds and not only with words, to change things for the better. Around Europe, and the world, people are acting in solidarity… Like in Spain, where …
Solidarity with Wallonia to Stop CETA
Friends of the Earth Europe has developed a poster to show support to Wallonia in their stand to Stop CETA. The posters are available in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque. You can choose between A3 and A4 formats. The text says: ‘WE STAND WITH WALLONIA IN REJECTING CETA’. We propose the …
Stand in solidarity – support the mission of Honduran activists to Europe
This briefing outlines the reasons that a delegation of Indigenous Lenca activists from Honduras are visiting five European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Germany and Spain) from April 19 – May 6, 2016 to meet with meet, policy makers and NGOs and financiers, join national protests, and talk to media and the general public about …
Stand in solidarity – support the mission of Honduran activists to EuropeRead more