This morning, Members of the European Parliament and environmental groups played the board game ‘Fracking RISK’ to highlight how shale gas fails to offer a real solution to climate change or to the EU’s growing dependency on imported natural gas. In the lead up to the ‘Global Frackdown’, an international day of action against shale …
EU paves way for climate killing tar sands
Friends of the Earth Europe has criticised a proposal announced today to regulate fuel imports to Europe because it does nothing to penalise the most polluting fuels. The European Commission today published plans to implement the ‘Fuel Quality Directive’ – a crucial piece of European climate legislation agreed five years ago which aims to reduce …
World and European leaders failing own targets to protect nature
Governments are falling short of their 2010 pledges to restore nature and ecosystems by 2020 as UN-led discussions start today in South Korea, according to new research by Friends of the Earth Europe and CEEweb for biodiversity. The meeting is close to the halfway mark to the 2020 target date, but it will reveal that …
World and European leaders failing own targets to protect natureRead more
Cañete cannot be trusted with the climate
Miguel Arias Cañete, the Spanish politician nominated as the new EU Commissioner for Climate and Energy, faced tough questioning from MEPs in his parliamentary hearing this evening. Ahead of his hearing Friends of the Earth Europe revealed fresh evidence about his links to the oil industry and his long history of conflicts of interest, and …
Hard facts on Europe’s biggest lobbyists revealed
A new lobby data web tool has for the first time shown which companies, trade associations, lobby consultancies and law firms are the biggest spenders on EU lobbying activities. The data was extracted from, a new online tool based on the EU lobby register, which allows the data to be sorted, compared, ranked and …
Alarm bells on EU plans for regulatory cooperation in EU-US trade talks
The 7th round of negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) kicks off in Washington DC today, amid growing civil society protests at the dangers of the proposed deal for democracy and essential regulations in the areas of public health, safety, the environment and the financial sector. Dozens of civil society groups from …
Alarm bells on EU plans for regulatory cooperation in EU-US trade talksRead more