Mariano Hernandez
Mariano advocates for the basic right to energy and the importance of bringing people together and is a staunch believer in the strength of collective organising. It helps people to discover their own rights, empowers people to stand up for them, and calls attention to those who violate them.
During the 2008 financial crash, Mariano lost his home and livelihood. He was recently offered to legally rent the apartment he was squatting in. Seeking guidance on his options and rights in regards to his energy supply, he joined an open assembly organised by Alliance Against Energy Poverty (APE), a place for people to gather and support each other with their energy bills and contracts.
At the assembly, he discovered his eligibility for the energy social bonus, a special discount on utility bills offered by the Spanish government. He joined the collective as a volunteer soon after to help others facing similar struggles.
What is needed for change?
Meaningful dialogue between people on the ground and decision-makers. Provide more support to collectives taking action on the ground and act on the solutions brought forward by the people, because it’s those with lived experience, civil society experts and grassroot groups that have the most resilient and innovative solutions to the crises their communities are faced with.