Legal Letter: Concerns Omnibus consultation process
Together with dozens of other NGOs Friends of the Earth Europe signed a letter to express our profound concern …

The story of campaigners who took on corporate giants – and won
“Communities can fight back and say no.” Nick Omonuk. In May 2024, the European Union took a significant step …

Billion-dollar exposure: Investor-state dispute settlement in Mozambique’s fossil fuel sector
With clear signs that TotalEnergies is about to restart the development of its massive LNG project in the conf …

TotalEnergies fails on Human Rights in Mozambique LNG Project
With clear signs that TotalEnergies is considering restarting the development of its LNG project in the confli …

The human and environmental costs of Europe financing industrial animal farming
This piece of research shows how some of Europe’s biggest financiers are channelling huge amounts of money int …

EU and UN instruments must work in tandem to guarantee justice
The UN Treaty aimed at regulating the activities of transnational corporations and other businesses (also comm …