Joint Statement on raw materials in EU-Indonesia CEPA
EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Indonesia and the European Union have been ne …

Joint letter: Ensure EUDR benchmarking reflects human rights and environmental risks
The EU Deforestation Law is only as good as its implementation. That’s why we have signed an open letter along …

The EU-Mercosur trade deal must be stopped – NOW!
en castellano / em portugués / auf deutsch / en francais / in Dutch No more toxic trade deals between the EU a …

Burning issues: forest fires and human rights abuses on the surge in Brazil
Deforestation in the Mercosur region has been a source of friction in the negotiations of the EU-Mercosur trad …

EU-Mercosur: lost transparency
A 10-point peek behind the curtain The EU has been negotiating the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement with Arge …

Open letter: the time is right to finally drop EU-Mercosur
Friends of the Earth Europe joined more than 40 organisations across Europe in a call to EU institutions to li …