In a new frontier for shale gas, big energy companies such as Chevron, Shell and Total are ‘heading south’ to drill in Argentina, including in protected natural areas. This dash for unconventional fossil fuels is taking place at the expense of the interests of local communities, workers and the environment, finds new research by Friends …
EU ministers vote to limit biofuels
EU energy ministers voted today to limit biofuels to 7% of Europe’s transport energy in an attempt to prevent biofuels competing with food and causing deforestation. The deal comes after months of deadlock, and 20 months after EU Commissioners proposed a tougher 5% limit. Friends of the Earth Europe is warning that hunger and harm …
Ministers support giving biotech companies say on GMO bans
Today’s vote by EU environment ministers in favour of a new law that would theoretically allow individual countries to ban genetically modified (GM) crops is a poisoned chalice which could open Europe’s fields to more biotech crops, says Friends of the Earth Europe. The proposed new law would grant biotech companies, like Monsanto and Syngenta, …
Ministers support giving biotech companies say on GMO bansRead more
Climate talks must deliver people-centred solutions
Friends of the Earth Europe, alongside other civil society groups, symbolically returned to the International climate talks today. The talks resumed in Bonn, Germany on Monday, the first session since a broad section of civil society walked out of the negotiations in Warsaw last year – in solidarity with those affected by climate change, and …
Climate talks must deliver people-centred solutionsRead more
G7 must break dangerous dirty energy addiction
Leaders of the Group of seven (G7) countries must break their fossil fuel dependency, and invest in genuine solutions to energy security, like energy efficiency and community-owned renewables, demanded Friends of the Earth Europe today. As international climate talks resume in Bonn today, two months after climate scientists warned of climate-change-related risks from extreme events, …
First delivery of devastating tar sands arrives in Europe
The first shipment of highly polluting Canadian tar sands oil to Europe is due to arrive in Spain today. Environment groups Friends of the Earth Europe, Transport & Environment and Greenpeace warn that this delivery provides a snapshot of Europe’s energy future – a continued addiction to ever-dirtier oil The 600,000 barrels of oil will …
First delivery of devastating tar sands arrives in EuropeRead more