A leaked proposal from the European Commission for changes to regulation of genetically modified food and feed has been met with heavy criticism today. The proposal promises to empower governments to ban GM food and feed, but doesn’t provide the legal grounds for them to do so. Food campaigners are concerned that any ban enacted …
European Commission opening back door to fracking
Fracking companies are dominating the behind-the-scenes agenda on EU fracking policies, investigation by Friends of the Earth Europe and Corporate Europe Observatory shows today. The promotion and expansion of controversial fracking [1] in Europe appears to have become the core aim of an advisory network set up by the European Commission last year. The body …
EU governments called on to make fossil fuels history
The 28 EU heads of state today backed a vision of Europe’s energy future which will keep the continent dependent on fossil fuels. European leaders’ plans for an ‘Energy Union’ strategy were strongly criticised by Friends of the Earth Europe for the decision to emphasise new gas supplies, instead of prioritising energy efficiency and renewables …
EU governments called on to make fossil fuels historyRead more
TTIP: Threatened import of “disinfected meat” edges closer
The threat of US-produced meat rinsed with disinfectants being sold in Europe is increasing, even before any EU-US trade deal is agreed, warns Friends of the Earth Europe today. EU health and food safety officials told a stakeholder meeting yesterday that a new antimicrobial chemical rinse may be approved this year to disinfect poultry carcasses …
TTIP: Threatened import of “disinfected meat” edges closerRead more
Europe’s climate cards are losing hand for people and planet
The European Union today became the first major power to show its cards and announce the level of climate action it proposes to pledge at global climate talks in Paris later this year. But the emissions cuts beyond 2020 agreed by environment ministers fall far short of Europe’s fair share of the action needed to …
Europe’s climate cards are losing hand for people and planetRead more
EU food agency re-checks safety of biotech crops following new research
The European Food Safety Authority has started an investigation into the safety of growing genetically modified (GM) maize in Europe following the publication of the biggest study on maize pollen published to date. Friends of the Earth Europe and Testbiotech have called on the EU to immediately suspend the growing of GM maize and to …
EU food agency re-checks safety of biotech crops following new researchRead more