Wilmar International, the world's largest palm oil trader, recently bowed to civil society pressure and committed to cut …
No progress on Europe’s transparency register
Transparency campaigners cannot find a single area of "good progress" made by the review group to improve the EU's lobby …
Commission flaunts close ties to old-think industry
Friends of the Earth Europe has today criticized the close public ties between the European Commission and big business, …
Commission flaunts close ties to old-think industryRead more
Ukraine: criminalisation of peaceful protests
Friends of the Earth International, the world's largest federation of grassroots environmental groups, is demanding the …
Conference: The four footprints in policy & practice
How land, water, carbon and material footprints can help create a more resource efficient Europe 11th February 2014, …
Conference: The four footprints in policy & practiceRead more
EU–US trade talks: what chance for transparency?
2014 will be a crucial year for trade negotiations between the EU and US. But the year is beginning with the talks still …