Future of Europe
We need system change.
Across Europe people’s lives are blighted by the same problems; inequality, hardship, precarious work, weakened public services, discrimination, powerlessness over decisions that affect our lives, and environmental destruction and pollution.
These issues will not be solved by nationalism and division. We believe these problems are best tackled together. And that solidarity, cooperation and democracy are key to transforming our societies for the better.
We stand in solidarity with people facing injustice everywhere. We cooperate across borders to create more sustainable, caring, democratic, equal societies.
We call for governments to also cooperate internationally, and for a strong civic space so that people and organisations can campaign for the public interest. We believe Europe can be part of creating a more sustainable, caring, democratic, resilient, equal and inclusive world.
Latest news
EU Competitiveness Compass must safeguard social and environmental protections
Leadership transition at FoEE
Our stance: For environmental and social justice, against far-right oppression
Full system check for the new European Commission – at a hackathon in Brussels
Laura HieberCommunications Coordinator +32 (0)489 333 517 |