Factsheets: impacts of pesticides & citizens’ demands for pesticide reduction
The European food production relies heavily on the use of dangerous chemicals. Everyday, we are exposed to a c …

Joint letter: Ensure EUDR benchmarking reflects human rights and environmental risks
The EU Deforestation Law is only as good as its implementation. That’s why we have signed an open letter along …

Roadmap for Pesticide Phase-Out
The widespread use of pesticides is not only threatens ecosystems and biodiversity but also impacts human heal …

How the agroindustry brought down the EU pesticide law
Despite the well-documented risks pesticides pose to biodiversity and human health, the European Union has con …

Risky business: who wins and who loses when new GMOs go unchecked?
This briefing is part of a series dissecting who will benefit from the draft EU law to deregulate new GMOs, an …

Locked seeds: who wins and who loses when new GMOs get patented?
This briefing is part of a series dissecting who will benefit from the draft EU law to deregulate new GMOs, an …