Corporate capture
Get big business out of politics.
We want our laws to be written by the people we elect – not corporate lobbyists.
The EU institutions lack tough rules to stop big business from weakening vital social protections and environmental laws.
Corporate lobbyists routinely gain privileged access to top decision-makers, are able to get away with untransparent and unethical lobbying, and gain influence by sponsoring events featuring EU decision-makers.
A ‘revolving door’ between the EU institutions and the private sector means that former MEPs and Commission staff are able to switch to lobby jobs and use their insider knowledge to advance the agendas of corporations.
This results laws which protect vested corporate interests and not people and planet.
We campaign to end this corporate capture of our democracy. We are pushing for stronger ethics and conflict of interest rules, more democratic and accountable EU institutions, and more transparent international policy negotiations.
Nathan StewartFossil Free Politics coordinator |
Kim ClaesCorporate capture and Fossil free politics campaigner
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