Energy efficiency first: more reasons to back a higher target for 2030
This short briefing spells out why the cheapest, cleanest, safest energy is the energy we don’t actually need. …
The truth about gas
Conventional gas, unconventional gas, shale gas, coal bed methane, fracking, pipelines, liquefied natural gas. …
The best laid plans: Why the Investment Plan for Europe does not drive the sustainable energy transition
The European Fund for Strategic Investments was established in 2015 to power-charge post-crisis Europe and pro …
CE Delft: The potential of energy citizens in the European Union
This research demonstrates that half of all European Union citizens could be producing their own electricity b …
Energy efficiency first: five reasons we need a higher target for 2030
This short briefing spells out why the cheapest, cleanest, safest energy is the energy we don’t actually need. …
Lies, damn lies and statistics
The European Commission is studying a range of options for the revision of the 2030 energy efficiency target, …