Many new ideas for an economic paradigm shift have been developed and discussed at the academic and grassroots levels in recent years. In these discussion papers we engage in a more in-depth analysis of three policy ideas that can move Europe towards an economy that can provide for all its citizens while keeping within planetary …
The price is right … or is it? The case for taxing plastic
Taxing plastics can help lead to a responsible use of the material by triggering the necessary reduction of both production and consumption, a new report finds. However, a plastic tax will only work if designed to influence producer and consumer behaviour, rather than raising revenue. The study “The price is right … or is it? …
The price is right … or is it? The case for taxing plasticRead more
Why “bioplastics” won’t solve our plastic pollution problem
With the process to develop European laws to cut plastic pollution in full swing, we are witnessing a big push for bio-based and biodegradable plastics as a supposed quick fix to our plastic crisis. This infographic explains why they are not. These so called “bioplastics” are not an excuse to keep using single-use plastics – …
Why “bioplastics” won’t solve our plastic pollution problemRead more
EU Parliament backs microplastic bans to tackle plastic pollution
The European Parliament’s environment committee today voted to strengthen the European Commission’s overall plans to cut plastic pollution, under the so-called Plastics Strategy. [1] On behalf of the Rethink Plastic alliance, Meadhbh Bolger, resource justice campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe, said: “The environment committee has recognised that the Commission’s plans to tackle plastic …
EU Parliament backs microplastic bans to tackle plastic pollutionRead more
First steps taken to cut single-use plastics in Europe
The European Commission has taken a leap forward in tackling plastic pollution, with new laws to reduce throwaway single-use plastics. The proposal, which is designed to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, and in particular the marine environment, sets a number of different policy measures to tackle these problematic …
First steps taken to cut single-use plastics in EuropeRead more
Bulgarian activists demand ‘retirement plan’ for plastic bags
Za Zemiata / Friends of the Earth Bulgaria activists dressed in plastic bag costumes greeted Europe’s environment ministers yesterday in Sofia, demanding a ‘retirement plan’ for plastic bags – as politicians gathered for an Environmental Council meeting. The Plastic Free campaign, joint with Greenpeace Bulgaria, is aiming to restrict single-use plastics in Bulgaria – especially …
Bulgarian activists demand ‘retirement plan’ for plastic bagsRead more