Stop the EU-Mercosur trade deal
After more than 25 years of negotiations held behind closed doors, without participation of civil society nor consultation of local communities and trade unions, the EU closed in 2024 the climate- wrecking trade deal with MERCOSUR (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay).
But the fight for climate, social and trade justice is not over yet. The deal still needs to be ratified by the EU and its future remains in doubt due to massive outcry from climate activists, farmers and the clear opposition of several European governments and Parliament.
If ratified, the corporate-friendly deal would greatly undermine the Paris climate agreement and lead to:
- More fires and deforestation in the Amazon, Cerrado, Pantanal and Gran Chaco
- Escalation of invasion of Indigenous Peoples territories, land-grabbing and violent attacks
- Soaring greenhouse gas emissions
- Increased exports of toxic pesticides forbidden in the EU to Mercosur of toxic pesticides,, with dire consequences on human health and biodiversity
- Massive profits for big agribusiness, at the expense of small-scale family farmers and agro-ecological pratices
- Further extractivism with devastating impacts on the environment and Human Rights, locking the Mercosur region in the role of raw materials producer
- Rise of inequalities between regions and de-industrialisation in Mercosur countries
In short, the outdated EU-Mercosur deal perpetuates neo-colonial trade relations, exacerbates the climate and biodiversity crises and threatens food sovereignty.
To enter into force, the deal must still be approved by the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and all parliaments of the Member States. But the European Commission might fast-track the ratification and bypass countries’ veto through an undemocratic manoeuvre: splitting the trade part of the deal. We ask EU Member States to oppose this dangerous attempt and reject this monstrous trade deal which would harm people, the climate and the environment.
For a quick summary, we’ve got 7 simple reasons why the deal must be stopped. And for the most recent data and research on the situation of agribusiness and the environment in Mercosur, have a look at our series of factsheets.
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Julie ZalcmanTrade campaigner |