Briefing: Editing the Truth - Genome editing is NOT a solution to climate change
Agriculture is caught in a vicious loop as industrial farming both drives climate change and suffers as a result. To help us out of the climate crisis and maintain food production, biotech companies claim to have the answer: new genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This new briefing by Friends of the Earth Europe debunks this false promise obstructing real and already proven solutions like agroecology.
We are calling on the EU to:
- Recognise that biotech industry promises are simply research and marketing ideas with no evidence.
- Support real solutions to climate change in public policies. Legislation in the areas of agriculture, research and environmental should be geared towards climate-resilient practices like agroecology.
- Regulate the new generation of GMOs under existing GMO laws to ensure freedom of choice for consumers, farmers and breeders.
In addition to the briefing, Friends of the Earth Europe and the Swiss Alliance for a GMO-free Agriculture (SAG) have produced a full report.