Brussels/Netherlands, September 23 – New research released today shows for the first time the extent of damage being caused by the European Union’s increasing use of biofuels [1]. The research focuses on the massive expansion of palm oil in the Indonesian district of Ketapang and reports on the deforestation, illegal operations and social conflicts caused …
Top European companies still lobbying in secrecy, new research confirms
Brussels, April 22, 2010 – Lobbying in Brussels by Europe’s 50 largest companies is happening in secret despite attempts to secure transparency, confirms new research released today by Friends of the Earth Europe.[1] Based on an analysis of the entries of the 50 largest EU-based companies on the European Commission’s lobby register, the report casts …
Top European companies still lobbying in secrecy, new research confirmsRead more
Shame on EU ‘leaders’
Brussels, Belgium/Poznan, Poland – Today’s agreement by EU leaders on the most contentious aspects of the EU’s planned response to climate change, known as the climate and energy package, has been condemned as a failure by Climate Action Network Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF. Green and development groups described today’s …
Europe at fault for climate inaction
Poznan, POLAND, December 12, 2008 – The rich industrialised world, and most notably the European Union, is squarely to blame for the severe lack of progress made at United Nations climate talks in Poznan, Poland, according to Friends of the Earth Europe. The EU’s plans for reducing its own emissions – its much-hyped climate and …
Young people from across Europe meet EU ministers and demand they ‘wrap it up!’
Poznan, POLAND, 11 December 2008 – European environment ministers arriving at crucial climate negotiations in Poland received messages this morning sent by over a thousand young people urging them to ‘wrap up’ climate change. Ministers from Austria, Germany, Norway, Malta, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom were presented with messages from young people from over …
Young people from across Europe meet EU ministers and demand they ‘wrap it up!’Read more
Carbon-rich peatlands threatened by new EU renewables law
Brussels, 9 December 2008 – As the European Parliament and EU Member States are finalising their negotiations on a new European law for renewable energy, international environmental organisations are warning that under the new law large swathes of peatlands, possibly representing the world’s largest carbon stores, will be destroyed for the purpose of producing bio-energy. …
Carbon-rich peatlands threatened by new EU renewables lawRead more