More than 60 environmental, development and farming groups are calling on governments and financial institutions to put a stop to land grabbing financed by European pension funds, banks and insurance companies. Driven by high food prices, increasing demand for agrofuels, raw materials and livestock, and low returns from beleaguered financial markets, large-scale acquisitions of land …
Farming reforms head in wrong direction
Proposals under discussion today for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy fall far short of what is needed to make European farming more green, says Friends of the Earth Europe. A draft report by the European Parliament’s farming committee and a progress report from EU agriculture ministers represent latest developments in the debate, and both …
Not enough ambition to reach an energy efficient Europe
Europe’s energy ministers have reached a compromise on improving energy efficiency in Europe. This follows months of negotiations with the European Parliament. The compromise deal is a welcome step, but lacks ambition and is too weak to fully realise the EU’s agreed 20% energy savings target according to Friends of the Earth Europe. The Energy …
Not enough ambition to reach an energy efficient EuropeRead more
NGOs voice concerns over threat to EU transparency
A key European transparency law is under threat, according to environmental and transparency organisations. In a letter to the European Council, civil society warn that the current state of negotiations around the access to documents regulation could make it even more difficult for civil society to participate in EU decision making. Any changes to the …
EU could make net savings of over €200 billion per year with energy efficiency
The European Union could benefit from over €200 billion net savings per year through energy efficiency measures, according to new research released by Friends of the Earth Europe and Climate Action Network Europe today. The research concludes that for every Euro saved through reduced energy use, businesses and consumers save an additional Euro as energy …
EU could make net savings of over €200 billion per year with energy efficiencyRead more
Europe steps towards resource efficient future
As pressure on world’s natural resources increases rapidly, European Parliament showed overwhelming support today for measuring Europe’s use of resources, in a step towards a resource efficient future, including full incorporation of resource efficiency into the Europe 2020 economic agenda. However, Europe will not make the most of the environmental, economic and social benefits of …