Brussels, 26 May 2008 – The Environment Committee of the European Parliament will vote tomorrow (Tuesday 27 May) on amendments to plans to cut carbon dioxide emissions from aviation under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.
Friends of the Earth is calling on MEPs to back tough EU action on climate change by voting to strengthen rules for airlines operating in the scheme so that they:
– take account of the additional global warming impacts of planes at high altitude;
– ensure that the aviation industry has to meet its own efficiency improvement standards before it can buy carbon permits from other sectors or projects in developing countries
– apply the ‘polluter pays’ principle and avoid ‘windfall profits’ by requiring airlines to buy all their carbon permits – rather than being given most of them for free.
Friends of the Earth Europe’s transport campaigner Richard Dyer said: “Aviation is one of the fastest growing sources of carbon dioxide emissions. By supporting a strong emissions trading scheme for airlines, MEPs will ensure that air travel makes a fair contribution to EU targets for tackling climate change.”
Notes to editors:
Last year MEPs gave strong support for significant improvements to the European Commission’s plan to include aviation in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. Currently there are plans to include all flights departing from, or arriving in to, the EU from 2012.
MEPs are now under pressure from EU Environment Ministers to water down the proposals.
Friends of the Earth believes it is vital that the Environment Committee takes strong and decisive action to demonstrate that the EU is serious in its commitment to tackling climate change.