Friends of the Earth Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels) recently took their idea of voluntary simplicity out to the wider community to develop new relationships and to help more people adopt its ideas in the own lives.
The concept of “La Simplicité Volontaire” (voluntary simplicity) has been a cornerstone of the organisation’s work for the past ten years. Through this principle they hope to encourage people to adopt simpler lifestyles, to reduce their consumption levels, and to work less hours enabling them to live more enjoyable lives. These small changes will reduce an individual’s impact on the wider environment and it also allows those interested to participate at a level which they find personally comfortable.
As part of a campaign to spread these positive ideas to the wider community, Friends of the Earth Wallonia & Brussels local groups organised activities which they felt embodied the spirit of “La Simplicité Volontaire”.
Volunteers from Liege organised a workshop on June 8th on a parking zone in the commercial area of the city. People were invited to make a natural deodorant by hand which they could then bring home and use. Activists also recorded conversations with the public about what they understood by the idea of ‘a simple life.’
The local group from Namur held an event at the famous Maredsous Abbey on Sunday the 7th of July. The public were encouraged to make their own ‘land art’ using natural materials that they found in the vicinity. The group then also made and distributed a natural and homemade drink using dandelion flowers which was greatly appreciated on that sunny summer day.
On Sunday 14th of July the Dolhain local group organised a public ‘donnerie’ in the grounds of the local fire station. ‘Donnerie’ is a French word which comes from the verb ‘to give.’ This event adopted the format of a second hand market but with the important difference being that no money was necessary. People simply exchanged and gave away, for free, belongings which they no longer needed. A short video of the event can be seen below.
Robin Guns of Friends of the Earth Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels) said “We are delighted with success of the local group events and we believe they represent some of the different aspects of the ‘voluntary simplicity’ attitude. The positive reaction of the public, media coverage and, most of all, the unique experiences ensured this vital message will be taken into plenty of homes. We are already looking forward to the next one.”