Friends of the Earth Bavaria/ Bund Naturschutz,and Young Friends of the Earth Bavaria, along with the Green Party and local communities in Munich celebrated victory today in their campaign to stop the expansion of Munich airport.
Munich residents sent a strong signal by voting against the development of a third runway at Germany’s second-biggest airport, in a poll organised by the City of Munich, which owns 23% of the runway. The additional runway would have created a significant increase in air traffic. The referendum was supported by the Munich based alliance against the third runway.
“We appreciate the solidarity with the hard-hit area close to the airport and the fact that the citizens of Munich chose to protect nature and the climate over the pursuit of profit . “ said Dr Hubert Weiger, National Chairman of Bund Naturschutz.
The vote is the result of sustained campaigning at grassroots level to win support of Munich residents – thousands of people took part in gathering signatures and in local demonstrations. A national movement against airport expansion is emerging in Germany, with local protest groups around Germany’s three main airports – Frankfurt, Berlin and Munich – growing in strength.
Friends of the Earth Bavaria has opposed the construction of a 3rd runway at Munich airport since the proposals inception. The proposed increase in air traffic would contribute to the climate crisis, cause destruction of biodiversity in the local area and threaten local communities, who are strongly opposed to the project.