The decision by Dutch development bank, FMO, and Finnish finance company, Finnfund, to "seek to exit" the Agua Zarca …
TTIP leaks confirm unprecedented corporate attack
Analysis of newly leaked documents on the EU-US trade negotiations (TTIP) has confirmed that the EU’s democracy, as well …
Fracking threatens German beer
Friends of the Earth Germany, alongside allies and German brewers, called for a ban on fracking outside of the German …
Poland referred to European Court over fracking law violations
The dangers of fracking were recognised at the highest level in Europe today, as the European Commission announced it …
Poland referred to European Court over fracking law violationsRead more
TTIP trade deal poses serious threat to EU farming
The controversial trade deal being negotiated between the EU and the US could spell disaster for European farming, finds …
Signatures not enough to stop climate change
Signatures alone are not enough to stop climate change, according to Friends of the Earth Europe, as representatives of …