On October 27-28, farmers, consumers, activists and citizens from across Europe will join forces to call for a …
The EU’s deafening silence on a treaty against corporate human rights violations
Last week, 94 countries negotiated at the UN in Geneva the draft text for a binding treaty on business and human rights. …
The EU’s deafening silence on a treaty against corporate human rights violationsRead more
European Parliament takes historic stand against single-use plastic pollution
National governments must follow suit, say campaigners The European Parliament has leapt forward to protect people and …
European Parliament takes historic stand against single-use plastic pollutionRead more
Give peas a chance: what now for the EU Protein Plan?
Every year, big factory farms in the EU rear more animals for meat than there are humans alive on Earth. More than eight …
Give peas a chance: what now for the EU Protein Plan?Read more
The EU’s track record of putting profit over people
This week, world leaders will meet at the United Nations in Geneva to negotiate a historic international treaty to …
The EU’s track record of putting profit over peopleRead more
UN’s climate clarion call is proof EU must end fossil fuels
Last Saturday (6 October), as top climate scientists were putting the final touches to the latest shattering UN report …
UN’s climate clarion call is proof EU must end fossil fuelsRead more