As part of our ongoing sustainable finance work (see, for example, the European Commission consultation responses we …
Electricity prices in Belgium rising: the nuclear industry must pay the price!
In Brussels at the weekend, 2,000 demonstrators marked the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster and demanded the …
Electricity prices in Belgium rising: the nuclear industry must pay the price!Read more
Emission trading questioned at debate in Brussels
Brussels, 22 November 2011 – The EU's emissions trading system has fundamental flaws and is failing to deliver the …
25 years since Chernobyl – standing in solidarity with the people of Ukraine
On the 25th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Friends of the Earth Europe stands in solidarity with the …
25 years since Chernobyl – standing in solidarity with the people of UkraineRead more
European Noise spoof newspaper drowns out business rhetoric
As leading industry laggards met at the European Business Summit on 18 May, Friends of the Earth Europe distributed a …
European Noise spoof newspaper drowns out business rhetoricRead more
A letter to the Danish European Union Presidency
As Denmark prepares to take over the presidency of the European Union in January for the first half of 2012, Friends of …