New proposals to grant national governments more say over cultivating genetically modified (GM) crops on their territory …
Corporate capture of Danish energy undermines climate law
The sale of a substantial stake in the Danish state-owned power company, DONG Energy, to the U.S. based investment bank …
Corporate capture of Danish energy undermines climate lawRead more
Legal victory for struggle to save Šumava
Czech courts have ruled that protesters, including many members of Hnutí Duha/Friends of the Earth Czech Republic, who …
Conference: four footprints in policy and practice
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland welcomed a packed room today at their conference exploring how …
Ukraine: violence must end
Friends of the Earth Europe calls on the European Union to undertake all possible diplomatic steps to end the abhorrent …
We love community power
All across Europe a patchwork of community and citizen run renewable energy projects have sprung up, putting people at …