Friends of the Earth Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels) celebrated its 40th anniversary last weekend with a public event highlighting its achievements and calling for continued action for just societies and the protection of the environment.
Over one hundred people, including the group’s many committed volunteers, fellow activists, and members of the public, joined the group to mark the milestone, at an event in Huy, near Liege – at the location of the group’s first anti-nuclear demonstration 40 years ago, symbolic of the group’s frontline reputation.
A vibrant exhibition covering the history of the organisation over the last four decades was unveiled during the event and included highlights of the group’s campaigns and actions on a range of issues including the protection of local biodiversity, sustainable water management, climate and energy, simple living and economical degrowth.
There was also plenty of time for celebration for people of all ages: theatre from the ‘The Zanzibar duck’, a vegan feast with local, seasonal and organic ingredients, where possible, and a concert from the local band High Jinks Delegation, and games for children – all in line with the group’s vision of a peaceful and sustainable world living in harmony with nature. Paul Lannoye and Jean Liénard, two of the organisation’s founders, gave speeches.
Céline Racine, from Friends of the Earth Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels) said: “It was fantastic to be joined by so many colleagues and friends, including representatives from Friends of the Earth Europe, to mark our 40th anniversary celebrations. For the past 40 years we have campaigned on the most urgent environmental issues, and we will continue with our mission to create environmentally sustainable and socially just societies for the benefit of everyone.”
Here’s to another forty years for the tireless, committed members of this incredible group who continue to push for environmental, social, economic and political justice in Belgium and across the world.