Deadline: 20 November 2023
Based in: Friends of the Earth Europe, Brussels
1. Position Information
Freelance campaigner for Fossil Free Politics (FFP) to coordinate and promote a public hearing alongside the European Parliament Petitions Committee in Jan/February 2024.
2. Context
The Fossil Free Politics coalition was launched in 2019 and is coordinated by 5 climate organisations (Corporate Europe Observatory, Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace EU, Global Witness and Food & Action Europe).
FFP exposes the influence fossil fuel companies have on EU decision making with an aim to kick them out of politics. Our main demand is to enshrine a firewall (a conflict of interest framework on energy/climate policy) to ensure their influence is restricted. You can see our full list of demands here.
In Oct 2023, we were successful in securing a public hearing in the petitions committee to inquire into Fossil Fuel company’s undue influence on the European Commission’s energy crisis response.
In December 2023, our current FFP coordinator is leaving. Capacity may be lower from other coalition members in January. Hence we are outsourcing capacity to deliver on the public hearing.
3. Scope of Work
The key task is to lead on public hearing coordination alongside coalition members and advisors/MEPs in the EP Petitions Committee.
The key priorities for the FFP hearing include: communications about the hearing to target audiences, coalition coordination, and to be the ‘go-to’ liaison between the Petitions Committee and the FFP coalition.
The position will be focused on building momentum around and supporting the delivery of the public hearing in the European Parliament. Some logistical coordination will be fulfilled by the European Parliament e.g. rooms, formal invitations for speakers, etc. However this role will be crucial to ensure a strong narrative around the hearing coming from civil society and in broader communications.
4. Deliverables/Outputs
- Programme and event support for the public hearing, alongside allies in the Petitions Committee;
- Drafting, in consultation with coalition members, a communication strategy for the hearing;
- Creation and coordination of FFP communication and press materials;
- Updating and liaising with FFP coalition members;
- Some advocacy/outreach to Members of the EP before and after to alert them to the hearing and urge them to call for a conflict-of-interest framework;
- Organisation of a pre & post hearing coalition debrief;
- Overview of public hearing budget;
- Short report about the public hearing with media/photos.
5. Ways of Working
You will be hosted by Friends of the Earth Europe, working as a freelancer, and not taking part in any internal processes. Paul de Clerck will be your contact person.
This role requires regular work in Brussels.
Within FFP you will liaise with both the coalition members and the communications working group who meets fortnightly.
6. Amount and duration of the Work
To start ASAP in November.
Nov-February 3 days per week
7. How to apply
Please provide:
· your offer detailing a proposal for the different elements of the tender;
· your relevant experience;
· Your financial offer including hourly or daily rates;
Please send this by email to: myriam.douo[at] by Monday 20th of November 2023, 5pm CET.
We will notify you about the outcome of the tender process and may invite you for an online interview.
8. Resources:
PETI previous materials:
Fossil Free Politics People Over Polluters (main campaign)
People Over Polluters declaration Oct 23
PETI petition text – signed by 91 civil society organisations
FFP communications pack Feb 2023 (outdated)
Research for public hearing:
Fuelling the cost of living crisis Oct 22
A Gastastrophic mistake Oct 22