This study by the Sustainable Europe Research Institute for Friends of the Earth Europe looks at the impacts of Europe’s ‘land ‘footprint’. Land is a limited global resource and changes in Europe’s consumption of land are felt around the globe.
Europe’s land demand creating inequalities
Europe’s appetite for an ever-increasing amount of land is putting huge pressure on this finite resource as well as putting other nations’ development at stake, concludes a study published today. The new discussion paper by the Sustainable Europe Research Institute for Friends of the Earth Europe shows that a small minority of the global population, …
Providing clean water in Georgia
David Heller, from Friends of the Earth Europe, visited the village of Sepieti, on the Black Sea coast of Georgia. He met with local residents who are working with Friends of the Earth Georgia to improve their village’s water and sanitation – a snapshot of the organisations nation-wide campaign to grant everyone in Georgia their …
Conference: Targeting a more resource efficient Europe
On the 5th November, Friends of the Earth Europe will hold a conference at Eurocities in Brussels to look at the role of targets in bringing about a reduction in the resources we use in Europe. Europe is using more of the planet’s minerals, metals, forests, fuels, land and water than ever before. The European …
Conference: Targeting a more resource efficient EuropeRead more
Are we moving towards a resource efficient economy? Not yet
Recommendations from the European Resource Efficiency Platform (EREP) on how Europe can transition to a resource efficient economy fall far short of what is needed, according to Friends of the Earth Europe. The platform, established to provide advice on how to improve resource use in Europe, released its first policy recommendations today. It involved a …
Are we moving towards a resource efficient economy? Not yetRead more
Asking for better waste management for Europe
In Europe, we currently waste over 500 kilograms of waste per person every year. And to make this worse, 60% of that waste ends up being landfilled or incinerated. [1] Worryingly, incineration is still rising in Europe, and is being funded with taxpayers’ money from the EU budget. Friends of the Earth wants to reverse …