Walking the circle – the 4 guiding pillars for a Circular EconomyRead more
Land as a resource – letter to the European Commission
A coalition of groups [1], including Friends of the Earth Europe, ActionAid, Birdlife, Oxfam and the European Environment Bureau have united to send this call to the European Commission to include work on land as a resource in its work programme for 2016. A European Commission paper on this topic was initially planned for 2015, …
Land as a resource – letter to the European CommissionRead more
Overconsumption: a ticking time bomb
Our current model of economic growth is unsustainable on a planet of finite resources. Europe is already consuming more than its fair share of natural resources, with devastating impacts on ecosystems and communities. The availability of resources is, and will remain, a cause of conflict as the global population increases, middle classes grow and developing …
Solutions to prevent waste exist – they just need support
There are proven solutions to prevent waste of natural resources, all they need is EU support, according to a new report by Friends of the Earth Europe. Preventing Waste outlines ways in which recycling has been boosted, consumption lowered and products repaired instead of being scrapped. The projects examined all contribute to making the economy …
Solutions to prevent waste exist – they just need supportRead more
Preventing Waste: recycling isn’t enough for a circular economy
The many social, environmental and economic benefits that would result from robust resource policies have been recognised by both the European Union and the governments of its member states. For example, by boosting re-use and repair of products, jobs are created while the impacts from mineral and metal extraction, incineration and landfill are avoided. But …
Preventing Waste: recycling isn’t enough for a circular economyRead more
Soil Atlas: time to limit EU land consumption
As the UN Year of Soils begins, BUND/Friends of the Earth Germany today published the Soil Atlas 2015, which calls for a radical rethink of how much land we use to support ourselves. The report, co-published with Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam and Le Monde Diplomatique, draws on …