360+ orgs & trade unions urge EU Parliament & Council to block Omnibus
Disastrous Omnibus proposal erodes EU’s corporate accountability commitments and slashes human rights and envi …

Shareholders over solutions: How big industry favours payouts over the energy transition
In the framework of the Clean Industrial Deal, energy-intensive companies are set to receive billion-Euro-subs …

Joint Statement on raw materials in EU-Indonesia CEPA
EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) Indonesia and the European Union have been ne …

Legal Letter: Concerns Omnibus consultation process
Together with dozens of other NGOs Friends of the Earth Europe signed a letter to express our profound concern …

Joint letter: Ensure EUDR benchmarking reflects human rights and environmental risks
The EU Deforestation Law is only as good as its implementation. That’s why we have signed an open letter along …

The EU-Mercosur trade deal must be stopped – NOW!
en castellano / em portugués / auf deutsch / en francais / in Dutch No more toxic trade deals between the EU a …