This episode introduces four stories from individuals – the people power behind the transition to the fossil fuel free future we need.
We talk to people involved in three Friends of the Earth groups, on the potential for community-owned and managed renewables in Denmark, on the perfect plan for transitioning Estonia away from dirty oil shale, and on how local resistance and perseverance has turned a small Czech town into an example of the just transition we need to move away from dirty fossil fuels.
We also feature a special guest from the Swedish grassroots group Fossilgasfällan, to tell us how they intend to beat planned gas infrastructure in Gothenburg.
It’s a taster of the diverse groups and individuals behind the movement for a future free from fossil fuels, and an introduction to our Fossil Free Europe campaign, calling for a just transition to a 100% renewable, no nuclear, super energy-efficient, zero-fossil-fuel Europe by 2030.